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Female forest ranger planting new trees
Female forester planting seedlings
Female friends after cleaning the beach area
Female volunteers cleaning the beach
Female working in forestry
Forest ranger with bag full of pine seedlings for reforestation
Forester at work
Forester planting new trees in forest
Forester with bag full of pine seedlings
Forester with pine seedlings for reforestation
Forester working in deforested area
Forester working in forest planting trees
Girls after cleaning the beach
Girls cleaning up garbage from the beach
Girls picking up trash from the beach
Keeping the beach clean
Man working for forest conservation
Planter planting trees in deforested land
Ranger working for reforestation in the forest
Ranger working in forest for sustainable afforestation
Ranger working in forest planting new trees
Reforestation after deforestation
Saviors of the environment
Selfie after beach cleaning up
Selfie during beach cleaning
Surfers tidying up the beach
Trash tag challenge
Tree planter for forest conservation
Tree planter in forest with pine seedlings
Tree planter working in forest
Tree planter working on forest
Tree planting efforts to repopulate disappearing forests
Treeplanting and reforestation
Volunteers with garbage bag
Woman planting new saplings in forest
Woman planting pine seedling in forest
Woman planting saplings in forest
Woman planting trees in forest
Woman tree planter working in forest
Woman working for forest conservation
Woman working in forest planting new trees
Woman working in forestry planting trees
Women cleaning up a sandy beach
Women doing trash tag challenge
Women taking selfie after beach cleaning

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